Just ended project

Update 1: Commencing the Quest: Human-Elephant Conflict Research in MDNP

As part of my MSc program, I am conducting a thesis research project in the Moukalaba-Doudou National Park (MDNP), located in the southwest of Gabon, Central Africa. This project is in collaboration with the National Agency for National Parks (ANPN), the Institute for Research in Tropical Ecology (IRET), and the University of Burgundy, France.

The aim of the project is to determine the behavioral components and population demography involved in human-elephant conflicts, which will inform conservation efforts in the MDNP.

To achieve this aim, I am using camera trapping and DNA data to identify conflict or crop raiding hotspots, while the DNA data is providing information on the sex, age, and stress levels of the elephants involved in conflicts.

Specifically, I am mapping out specific conflict hotspots around the MDNP and defining population demographic classes as either young, old, females, males, or stressed elephants involved in conflicts with humans. To collect this data, several camera traps have been successfully deployed in pre-randomly selected locations. Alongside installing the cameras, I am collecting DNA samples from fresh elephant dung, which will continue until June 2023, when the cameras are recovered.

Conducting research in the MDNP is an intensive rain forest adventure, requiring all travel to be done on foot. With the company of highly experienced forest guards, we make an average daily trip of 18.7 kilometers to the forest and back to the research station where we live. Our daily route elevation is mostly between 85 and 303 meters, making it very challenging to climb and descend with loads (cameras, food, water, etc.). Sometimes, we go on extended trips, spending up to 7 nights in the forest, and these trips can be especially challenging when unexpected rain sets in. However, encountering wildlife such as gorillas, buffaloes, elephants, duikers, waterbucks, and red river hogs makes it all worth it.

I am thrilled by the progress made so far with the project, and I am inspired to see it through to the end. The study's unique multidisciplinary approach makes it an exciting project to be a part of. I can't wait to publish and present my findings to you all.

Meanwhile, please enjoy these photos from the field, and feel free to ask questions or obtain further information on my work through this message box.

A pile of fresh elephant dung

Collecting DNA sample from a dung

Sealed DNA in a clear plastic bag

Sample labled and logged in field notebook

Installing a camera in the forest

Fastening a camera to a tree in the forest

Confirming the camera settings before arming

Taking a test shot

A forest tracker paving a way through the dense vegetation

A tracker leading the way

A diversion to track a catscat's footpfootprints 

My foot barely covered 1/3 of the elephant's footprint

We came across an elephant's carcass; I tried looking for clues but didn't find any possible cause of death at the scene.

All noticable bones were still intact, including both ivories.

Fresh footprints of a leopard. We missed each other by a few minutes.

The footprint size relative to the height of Garmin's GPS MAP 65s

The beautiful weird mushroom we saw in the forest

If you know the species and more about the net-like structure please don't hesitate to share

The plant had so much portable water flowing from the cut

I had to drink more to be sure it wasn't poisonous 

Update 2: Venturing Further: New Milestones in Our MDNP Research

The past three months have been an exhilarating journey through the heart of the Moukalaba-Doudou National Park, a testament to the raw beauty and mystery of the rainforest. I am thrilled to announce that the data collection phase of my project has successfully concluded!

The camera trapping has exceeded our expectations, capturing some truly stunning images of nocturnal and elusive species such as leopards, chimpanzees, gorillas, pangolins, mongooses, forest elephants, African civets, and Golden cats. Each image brings us closer to understanding the intricate dynamics of the wildlife within the park, especially those involved in human-elephant conflicts. Currently, these images are being meticulously identified and analyzed to extract valuable data.

In tandem with the successful camera trapping, DNA sample collection has also been fruitful. We have managed to gather more samples than initially anticipated, enriching our data pool for a more comprehensive analysis.

Field work following the last update has thrown even more challenges our way. We have navigated terrain with elevations as high as 585 meters, making each day a thrilling combination of scientific endeavor and physical challenge. Every step taken, every elevation climbed, brought us closer to our goal, making the journey as rewarding as the destination.

One of the most memorable aspects of this project has been the time spent with the forest trackers. Their deep knowledge of the forest, their exceptional wildlife tracking skills, and their ability to call and interact with the animals are nothing short of awe-inspiring. I will never forget the sight of antelopes, birds, monkeys, and apes converging in response to their calls—a moment that was both humbling and thrilling.

As I delve into the data analysis phase, my gratitude goes out to all the hard-working forest trackers who have been an integral part of this research. Their guidance and protection in the field were indispensable.

The multidisciplinary approach of this project continues to make it an exciting venture. I am eagerly looking forward to sharing the results of this research with you all.

In the meantime, please enjoy these new photos from the field that capture some of our most extraordinary moments. 

Also, feel free to keep your questions and comments coming.

DNA sampling continued

Measuring the circumference of a dung

This is David, one of the experienced trackers at MDNP

I couldn't resist taking a picture here

We were 580 meters high and still had over 10 kilometers to go!

A view of the Moukalaba forest from 580 meters high

Forest elephants browsing in a savanna

Forest elephants at the forest edge of 

Habituated gorilla group - Group Gentile

Papa Gentile (silver back) and his family


He served as dinner for another species

Dousala villagers fish too

The most beautiful fish ever

Rocks and waterfalls

HEC management strategy around MDNP

Their presence is always noticed

Sunset reflected from the Moukalaba river in between the forest canopy

This tree seems to excrete a blood-like liquid when cut